viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Romeo and Juliet project

Damaris Cruz 1º 1ª
                                                                      Romeo & Juliet (song)
                                                                           OUR LOVE                   

In the moment that I saw you there
The sun turning off
The stars fell down, time stopped between
The two of us

The wind took all my love and with it
My happiness
My purpose in this world is over, oh

There I go, wait for me
Where our love stops being forbidden
Where we are infinite
Wait for me

Our names were our condemnation
I will never forget your voice
I will never let you go
I will always be by your side

Let me touch your cheeks
Slowly kiss your lips
I loved you, I love you and I´ll love you forever
I have been the cause of your death
Let me walk you to another world
And be happy

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Romeo and Juliet Project

                                                                                by 1st year 1st division

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Writing for talking project:Tap Dance

The title of my talk is Tap Dance!

   First of all , I want to talk about Tap classes because i love it!!!
   I’ve been always interested in dance. I’ve taken classes sice i was 7 years old.
 First, I took classes of classical dance, but it was so much boring and the teacher wasn’t very good. She used to be a very slowly person. So I decided to stop dancing.
One day, when I was 11 years old, I was walking on the street with my mom and I saw a poster that showed “TAP DANCE” with big letters. I got into the place for ask. I talked with one of the tap teacher’s and I got registered. Why not trying a new thing?
   Moving on, when I took the class...What do you think it happens? It was fantastic!!! I met a lot of new friends, so I was very happy. The teacher was excellent, very energetic and funny.
    All these years I’ve been learning new things. Sometimes the classes turned difficult but anyway after them you felt exhaustic, but at the same very energetic.
The most exciting thing in the year are the shows we make in December. We prepare them in three months. All the years the topic of the shows are different. Last year one of them was about Christmas!
      Finally, I’d like to say all the people must dance!!! Because it’s one of the most complete activity. You have to think, you feel healthy and athletic, you make friends and you feel happy. When you dance you forget all your problems!!!!!!
So...Why don’t you take a dance class?

María Victoria Fuente 5to 3era