sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

1984 news program and interview

Thank you 5º3º guys
                                                                                                            Wonderful work!!!

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Primary school linkage project

Visit to 2nd form presenting the play Little Red Riding Hood with puppets handmade by 5th 5th students

                      THANK YOU MISS CALVANO!!!!!!!!!!!

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Primary School linkage project

Class organized by Miss Serrano's students at 4º1º visiting 2º C form
Activity: Revising ability actions
Material: Flashcards

Thank you all people involved in the project!!!!!!!!!!!

Celebrating 140!!!

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY NORMAL 1!!!!!!!              


We are pleased to announce that Miss Sol de Alvear attending 4th course 3rd division  this year, has got the 2nd prize among 140 students.
The topic presented  was Shadows and Fog.
School authorities and the English Department staff  congratulate Sol and thank the students:
Angel Astudillo
Sol Perfetti 
Lucía Lapidus
Janice Agostini Dohmen
for having participated on the competition.
                                                      Thank you Miss Díaz!!!!!!

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


1- Halloween history
2- Halloween food     
3- Jack O`lantern        
                      4- Character`s game                         
5- Thriller song            
6- Zombies videoclip  

Thank you 3º 1º!!!!!!!!!!!!

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Primary school linkage project: 1st 1st and 7th A


This Story is about two rich and important families, the Montagues and the Capulets, that were mortal enemies in the ancient Verona, Italy. Romeo, the only son of lord Montague, was accidentally invited to the lord Capulet`s party.
 Paris, a relative of the prince of Verona was also invited to the party he was going to ask Juliet, lord Capulet`s only daughter, to marry him.
When Romeo noticed Juliet he instantly fell in love. He asked her for a kiss and she accepted, after that first kiss she was also in love with him.
A couple of hours after leaving the party, Romeo came back to the Capulet`s House looking for Juliet. Juliet opened her bedroom`s window and declared her love to Romeo without knowing he was standing outside. Romeo also SAId that he was in love with her and both of them decided to get married.
Romeo ran to Friar Laurence`s house and asked him to marry them, he accepted this marriage FOR THE peace between the two families. Juliet arrived to the church and they got married.
Once the night was over Romeo escaped to Mantua, but Juliet´s father and mother told Juliet that her marriage to Paris would be in three days, and if she was not GOING to follow their rules, they rather prefer her dying in the streets than living in their house. Juliet ran to the church looking for advice from the Friar, who suggested her that in order to avoid her marriage, she could drink a medicine that would make her seam dead when actually she would not be. The Friar`s plan was to make Romeo come and wait at her tomb until she wOkE up. Juliet agreed and grabbed the bottle.
(The plan was working; at the beginning everybody thought Juliet was dead. Romeo´s servant, Balthasar, went to see him to let him know about Juliet death) Unfortunately, Romeo was contacted before the Friar could let him know about the plan. Romeo bought a bottle of poison and ran to Juliet´s grave. He managed to enter Juliet´s grave and kissed her for the last time and drunk the poison. Juliet woke up and saw her husband´s body lying dead so she took his knife and killed herself.
                                                                                           THE END
Activity: Find the words connected with the story.
1.  Romeo`s family.
2.  Both families were …………………………
3.  Prince of Verona`s name.
4.  Place were Romeo meet Juliet for the first time.
5.  What Romeo drank at the end.
6.  Romeo didn`t know about it.

                                                 By Ignacio Karvouniaris

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Romeo and Juliet project

Damaris Cruz 1º 1ª
                                                                      Romeo & Juliet (song)
                                                                           OUR LOVE                   

In the moment that I saw you there
The sun turning off
The stars fell down, time stopped between
The two of us

The wind took all my love and with it
My happiness
My purpose in this world is over, oh

There I go, wait for me
Where our love stops being forbidden
Where we are infinite
Wait for me

Our names were our condemnation
I will never forget your voice
I will never let you go
I will always be by your side

Let me touch your cheeks
Slowly kiss your lips
I loved you, I love you and I´ll love you forever
I have been the cause of your death
Let me walk you to another world
And be happy

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Romeo and Juliet Project

                                                                                by 1st year 1st division

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Writing for talking project:Tap Dance

The title of my talk is Tap Dance!

   First of all , I want to talk about Tap classes because i love it!!!
   I’ve been always interested in dance. I’ve taken classes sice i was 7 years old.
 First, I took classes of classical dance, but it was so much boring and the teacher wasn’t very good. She used to be a very slowly person. So I decided to stop dancing.
One day, when I was 11 years old, I was walking on the street with my mom and I saw a poster that showed “TAP DANCE” with big letters. I got into the place for ask. I talked with one of the tap teacher’s and I got registered. Why not trying a new thing?
   Moving on, when I took the class...What do you think it happens? It was fantastic!!! I met a lot of new friends, so I was very happy. The teacher was excellent, very energetic and funny.
    All these years I’ve been learning new things. Sometimes the classes turned difficult but anyway after them you felt exhaustic, but at the same very energetic.
The most exciting thing in the year are the shows we make in December. We prepare them in three months. All the years the topic of the shows are different. Last year one of them was about Christmas!
      Finally, I’d like to say all the people must dance!!! Because it’s one of the most complete activity. You have to think, you feel healthy and athletic, you make friends and you feel happy. When you dance you forget all your problems!!!!!!
So...Why don’t you take a dance class?

María Victoria Fuente 5to 3era


miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Shakespeare and the neurosciences

                     Working with other subjects: a new holistic view of  Shakespeare's masterpiece.

jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Writing for talking project; My life with Gymnastics

I started artistic gymnastics when I was two years and a half. I’ve loved this sport since I started doing it until now. Now, at this point in my life, I couldn’t live without this perfect, amazing and wonderful sport.
When I started, it was extremely fun. At that time competing was only for a new leopard and glitter and all you had to do was trying your best because everyone got a medal. The mistakes were little and could always be fixed later. And on Mondays mornings, my friends and I brought medals at school to show to the teacher. Also I used to see the “big girls” training and think “I want to be like them”
But then, things started to get hard, when you fell it hurt (and also now) and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t get that one move or exercise. And the competitions became much more serious because only a few girls got medals, and for the requirements of the sport many of my friends disappeared and my team became smaller.
Now I have bad days and good days, it depends how I feel. In my bad days, I have mental blocks, I always wish the the conditioning hasn’t that bad, among other feelings that day. But in my good days I feel I’m ontop of the world.
For me, gymnastics is not just a sport, it’s my whole life, without it I just don’t know what my goal in life would be. When I’m at school, all I want is to be in the gym. When I’m home, I just wanna be there. “It’s like a drug, it’s killing your body, but you keep coming back for more because it’s so addicting” not literally. This sport attracts people that love to keep going and love to fight. Of course it’s hard, it’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great.

In my list of priorities, gymnastics became first, school comes second, and sleeping isn’t even on the list. So many times I don’t get my homework done, but it’s because I do gymnastics on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 4 hours a day, apart from physical education on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In conclusion my week is exhausting, but I love it. No matter how much you want to quit, there’s always that part of you that wants to stay.

                                by  Natalia Pellecchia

Beatles Day

¡Hoy se celebra el ‘Beatles Day’!
El 10 de Julio de 1964 la banda volvía a Liverpool para presentar la película ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ después de su primer gira por Estados Unidos, una fecha clave en la historia de los Fab Four.
¡Contestá este quiz y enterate qué Beatle sos!

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Normal 1 said present at "Buenos Aires and its languages"

El viernes 30 de mayo de 2014 tuvo lugar la IV Jornada "Buenos Aires y sus Idiomas" organizada por laDirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras, dependiente de la Dirección General de Planeamiento Educativo, Ministerio de Educación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. El evento transcurrió de 9 a 13 hs en el Salón San Martín, Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Perú 160 - C.A.B.A. y estuvo dirigido a público con interés en la educación en general y en las lenguas y las políticas lingüísticas en particular; rectores, directores, supervisores, coordinadores, traductores y docentes de lenguas extranjeras de todos los niveles de la educación pública de gestión estatal y privada; alumnos avanzados de profesorados, traductorados, licenciaturas y otras carreras relacionadas con las lenguas. Luego de la Apertura tuvieron lugar el Panel 1: “Formación Profesional”, durante la pausa una exposición dePosters sobre experiencias áulicas con uso de material didáctico, luego el Panel 2: “Experiencias en el Aula y en la Escuela”, presentaciones D.O.L.E. sobre Exámenes CLE y el proyecto Escuela bilingüe argentino-china, y se finalizó con la ya tradicional “Degustación de lenguas”. Los invitamos a ver las dispositivas, resúmenes, posters y fotos de la IV Jornada "Buenos Aires y sus Idiomas" al pie. Si lo desean, pueden dejar sus comentarios y sugerencias bajo esta entrada de Blog. Ver PROGRAMA AQUI

Play's trailer

2014 theatre sessions: Monsters - July 7th

Let's get ready for the play!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.baplayers.com/uploads/files/workpacks/WORKPACK%20Monsters.pdf

Play's trailer

2014 theatre sessions: Father in disguise - Monday 23rd

Let's get ready for the play!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.baplayers.com/uploads/files/workpacks/WORKPACK%20Father%20in%20Disguise.pdf

lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Writing for talking project: My own urban style

                                                         by Cristina Yoon

Writing for talking project: My biggest dream

                                                                                                      by Camila Squarzon

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Ingresantes 2015




Máxima Lupo
Máxima Lupo


Miércoles de 16.30 a 18.00 horas
Profesor: Joan Goytia
Inicio: Miércoles 4 de junio


Jueves de 16.30 a 18.00 horas
Profesora: Magdalena Gómez Sierra
Inicio: Jueves 05 de junio

Examen: 24 de septiembre a las 08.00 horas
Los estudiantes deberán concurrir con DN

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Contest: British Humour

Who said British humour is boring? 
Look at this Power Point of real signs in the street and comment on which you liked best and why. 

There will be a raffle among the ones who participate.
The winner might get a little prize! 

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

To Betty Marash

A teacher I'll never forget.

The teacher I remember most is Miss Betty, an English teacher of second year in high school. I think she was the best teacher that I had in all my life. She was always kind and sensitive. She used to help me every time I didn't understand something or I got into trouble. However she used to get angry when nobody did the homework.
I remember she loved talking about her grandson and telling us some funny stories. She was very intelligent and modern. She always would wear make up and beautiful clothes. My mates and I used to see her photographs and I used to show her my pet's pictures because she loved animals. Every time that she caught me drawing in class, she used to ask me to draw something for her.
She was like a second grandmother for me.
She was an excellent teacher for me and I'll never forget her and her lovely personality

                                                                                                       by Victoria López