We wish to advise that this year’s St. Andrew’s Society of the River Plate’s traditional Annual Essay Competition will be held on Wednesday 10th June, and we would again be very pleased to have your students participating in this event, the object of which is to encourage the learning of English and to support the important role played by bilingual school in this field.
Our Society, founded in 1888, is a non-profit organization. In fostering Scottish traditions, we raise funds which are donated to various charities, so that by participating in this and other events we organize, you are helping the Society to help those in need.
With a view to defraying costs a charge of $50.- (fifty pesos) per student is requested.
The competition is to be held on Wednesday 10th June, each school being free to choose the time most convenient for them. The results, together with any prizes awarded to your student/s will be mailed to your school.
Attached you will find a copy of the General Rules, a School Entry Form, and a Participants’ Entry Form. The Entry Form and the Participants’ Entry Form together with the entry fees, should reach us before the closing date. The Participants’ Entry Form will be returned with the corresponding code for each student ,together with the Essay Subjects. Any additional information may be obtained by phone (011-4243-2077, 011-4659-7566), or email at the following addresses.
St Andrew’s Society of the River Plate Committee:
Susan Dalton: susantdalton@hotmail.com
Pamela Dickin: thelmapam@infovia.com.ar
Mercedes Nobre Leite: standrews_societyrp@yahoo.com
We hope to count on your support and cooperation to make this event a success.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
Essay Competition Committee
NOTE: Payment may be made to Mr. R. Gibson’s address in cash( Pelliza 889, CP: 1636- Olivos. Pcia de Buenos Aires), or cheque order Asociación San Andrés del Río de la Plata. By deposit in Cta. Cte. 0331-5927 at Banco Patagonia. (If through another Bank use CBU: 03400110400003315927008). Please do not forget to send a scanned copy of the deposit note to sasrp.argentina@gmail.com.
Essay Competition
Qualification of Entrants:
Open to all Students of the English language between the ages of 10 and 17 years, both inclusive, and in accordance with the rules and regulations published herewith.
The grades are as follows:
- Elementary : For boys and girls of 10,11, and 12 years of age, on the day of the Competition.
- Junior: For boys and girls of 13 and 14 years of age, on the day of the Competition.
- Senior For boys and girls of 15, 16 and 17 years of age, on the day of the Competition.
Subjects for the Essay:
When the candidates have assembled, they will be asked to write an essay from a choice of subjects, for each grade. The subjects will be appropriate for each group, and none of them will be too “literary” or specifically Scottish for the average competitor.
Competitors in all grades will write the essay on the date fixed by the Convener, and will be allowed two hours for this purpose.
Entry Forms:
Teachers, Parents and Competitors are requested to see that all particulars asked for on the Entry Form and the Participants’ Entry Form are correctly given and that the forms are returned to the Convener as soon as possible, and no later than the closing date. It is imperative that all competitors, before sending in the forms, should carefully read the general regulations.
Awards and Certificates:
Each Competitor, whose work attains a sufficiently high standard commensurate with the grade, will be the recipient, either of a prize, Certificate of Merit or Honourable Mention.
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- Entries must reach the Convener by closing date, after which no entry will be accepted.
- To enable competitors to fix their correct grade for entry, the date at which the age is to be taken is the date of the Competition.
- The Committee may refuse any entry, or reject any essay, without assigning a reason therefore.
- A code number will be given to each competitor as soon as the list of entries has been closed.
- Competitors in all grades should assemble in their own school, on the day of the competition for the purpose of writing their essay , each school being free to choose the time most convenient to them. TWO HOURS will be allowed for this purpose. Principals of Schools must provide the necessary invigilation and ensure that the general conditions of the competition laid down are strictly observed. The use of dictionaries is permitted.
- All competitors must, on completion of the time limit fixed for the writing of the essay, hand the essay to the teacher or person in charge, who will certify that the competitors have duly carried out the regulations governing the competition, and that during the period of writing the essay, and after the close of such period no assistance whatsoever has been given to the competitors, or the essay in any way corrected or altered by anyone or by the competitors at the instigation of any person prior to them being dispatched to the Convener. The essays, together with the Participants’ Entry Form must be dispatched immediately, as undue delay may result in disqualification through non- compliance with regulations.
- Essays must be written on sheets of lined paper using one side only, leaving a margin of an inch on the left hand side of the paper, numbering each page consecutively and ensuring the code is written on EACH page. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MUST THE NAME OF THE COMPETITOR, OR THE NAME OF THE SCHOOL, APPEAR ON THE ESSAY SHEETS.
- Awards and certificates may be withheld or a lower class of award substituted in any grade where, in the opinion of the adjudicators, or the Committee, the essays are not up to standard.
- The Committee may alter, modify or cancel any of the arrangements detailed in the syllabus as they deem necessary.
- Any inquiries or complaints must be made in writing to the Convener.
The Committee.